
Learning Online

Online education is becoming more and more popular for
students. Especially for those who are travelling or those
who have no time to attend regular classes. Each year more
and more students are choosing this path.
Online education can be a great tool, especially if you work
or don´t have extra time for college. This education mode
works well with careers such as philosophy or literature since
they require a lot of reading time. Finally, what is evaluated
is an essay but it really works the same for all of them.
Can we truly learn the same when studying a new language
online? Being the language is the only type of knowledge that
is introjected, which means, going from outside to inside
doing an online course can give the same results, especially
when you do not live in the environment of that language.
Of course, it is much easier to learn with an immersive
experience, as this is not always possible an online education
route offers a flexible tool and with hard work will be very
successful. Although I believe that in all cases the student has
the most important role in the quality of their learning.